2013年4月15日 星期一

2013年3月29日 星期五

Let's safe loggerhead sea turtle

Endanger sea creature:

Loggerhead Sea Turtle

1.Let’s come help Loggers; Life is Forever!

2.Please don’t hurt Sea Turtles; They can be Beautiful!

1.What? :

Loggerhead sea turtles are small and the turtle got its name because their heads looks like big logs. Human beings estimate that there are approximately about 15,000 loggerhead sea turtles left. The loggerhead sea turtles live in damp, wet places to survive. The loggerhead’s diet is by eating varieties of plants and animals. Loggerhead predators are tiger sharks, raccoons (when baby), killer whales…etc. The loggerheads sea turtles are going to be extinct because of pollution done of the ocean and destruction of coral reefs. So, people should help loggerhead sea turtles by breeding them, and let them free.

2.Why? :

They are endangered creature because the loggerhead sea turtles have a big amount of predators. So the loggerhead sea turtles will die very quickly with the number of predators they will have to hide from and fight against to live their lives. And even if the loggerhead sea turtles get into the water, there still many enemies to fight against sea turtles. If the loggerhead sea turtles extinct, the food chain would be ruined and human beings will most likely not be able to eat fish. So we should help to protect the loggerhead sea turtles. What’s more, we could try to keep a few in the captivity, so we can breed even more loggerhead sea turtles to let them not become extinct forever.

3.How? :

At first, human beings should give all of their power to save loggerhead sea turtle. They mostly keep them in captivity to breed much more of them. Next, warn people who liter near the ocean to stop. Then, hire a lifeguard to watch out for the loggerhead sea turtles and protect these sea creatures. Finally, let the loggerhead sea turtles live their lives and let them free. The most famous act is: Three groups in America filed a lawsuit against many fishing services. The agencies failed to protect critical habitat where the loggerhead sea turtles nest and forage for food. And protecting critical habitat would help safeguard marine terrestrial areas essential for migrating, feeding and nesting. An estimated 1000 Pacific area’s loggerhead sea turtle die each year because of gill net fishing in Mexico. More than 400 dead turtles washed ashore last summer. Overall that population decreased by at least 80 percent over the past ten years, triggering an upgrade to the endangered category. So the government might designate certain beaches as protected areas, since the major threat comes from gill nets and long fishing lines for catching swordfish and tuna. The government might declare turtle foraging areas off limits to those fishing methods. The lawsuit will hopefully get the government to take action.

4.My Act:

  We can help other groups to save the loggerhead Sea Turtle, or we can go on the streets and persuade a person walking by. What’s more, we can write a report and publish the report on the internet or anything useable to spread the information to every person on Earth. If you don’t damage the loggerhead sea turtles, they will become one of the beautiful land majestic sea creatures in the ocean. We came up with a name called ``Loggerhead’s Beauty’’. We came up with this name for the loggerhead sea turtle because if we save them, they will become more noticeable to the world!


for more information,please go to:

2012年10月18日 星期四


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